September 2018: Air purifiers & Air Conditioners for Orphanage | China
•Posted on September 26 2018

We were able to obtain/ship and install the air purifiers and air conditioners for the Xinhua orphanage back in September 2018. What a long-awaited completion of a project!
God is so good! He has used our efforts through our sales to support orphan care around the world. Today, we have finished purchasing 4 air conditioners units and 2 air purifiers for Jessie’s old Xinhua orphanage in China. We are so excited to be a part of this blessing for these special and wonderful waiting children. They will forever have a special place in our hearts. If you are looking to buy some gifts with special meaning, please check out “Our Royal Court. “So many improvements to this orphanage from 7 years ago when I was there. I am so happy about those answered prayers.
